Monday 23 September 2013

North America's silent epidemic "Fatherlessness" It's time to Step Up!

My name is Dave Morgan I work with the fatherless, please listen to the Live Radio spot we did last week exposing the epidemic of fatherlessness! Stepping Up was on CBC Live Radio 88.1FM (Vancouver, BC) last week! 

Please listen and join in as we help break generational cycles of fatherlessness! 

 Listen now to North America's silent epidemic! "Fatherlessness"


Saturday 8 June 2013

Stepping Up/Youth Unlimited Interviewed by Jill Krop Global News

A Life Changed!

Throughout this month I found myself reflecting on my life. I could not stop thinking about my lifeʼs story. I would look back on my past with amazement at how much my life has turned around for the good and for the Glory of God!
I was reminded that just ten years ago I was going through a divorce, battling the challenges of being a single parent to my son, risking losing my son through poor life choices and not to mention battling for my life with addiction in the dark world of drugs and alcohol.

At this time in my life I was hanging out with some very unsavory characters who befriended me for their own gain and prosperity, not for friendship but for dollars! I was enslaved in a world of pride and power living a life that demanded self-gratification, void of love, hope and peace! The only joy I had at that time in my life was knowing that I could possibly die tomorrow and end my awful existence! What a twisted sense of hope! I recalled how depressed I was, and how alone I felt. I was imprisoned and trapped in an awful hellish nightmare thinking at that time I could never escape it.

But to Godʼs Glory, he turned my life around so radically and gave me back all that was lost. I have since remarried to the most wonderful girl in the world, I have overcome addiction, I now have THREE wonderful sons. I have a restored friendship with my ex-wife and her husband and I no longer have ties to unsavory people in the community. I live a clean God-fearing life today with Love, Joy, Peace and the greatest gift, HOPE!

I guess the reflections I was having on my past, the “pinch me epiphany” moments was Godʼs way of reminding me that only HE, God can be the true source of transformation in our lives and the world today! Believe me when I say I tried other routes, methods, and schemes to change my life and none of these other ways helped me like the power of Jesus Christ! Though Stepping Up is able to give practical help to these young dads I realize itʼs only through Christʼs divine power we change fully! My hope for these young dads is that they would encounter the power of Christ in each of their lives and situations and be forever changed, the way my life was changed forever by HIM!

Monday 6 May 2013

"Please Don't leave me Daddy"

I just recently met with a young dad who shared his heart-wrenching story with me. This past Christmas holiday he spent one full week with his son.  The father’s face lit up with a big smile as he shared with me in great detail about the fun time he and his son had spent together over the holidays. “We bonded,” he said, mentioning, “This is a rare thing, to bond with my kid”, as his ex-girlfriend and son live in another city. “I want to see my little guy all the time, but it’s not possible because of the distance between us.”  The young dad’s elation about spending time with his son turned to noticeable sadness as he told me the story of dropping his son off after such a great week. The tears welled up in his eyes; his face got very reflective and he said to me, “Dave, it was horrible, man, just horrible.” He had been holding his son when he dropped him off.  He tried to pass his son over to his mom, but his son grabbed onto his neck yelling, “Please don’t leave me, DADDY!”  There was a lump in my throat as he shared his story. I had a similar experience with my son years ago. And I knew full well how he felt.  That being said, I was amazed at how optimistic he was about things getting better for him and his son one day really soon, even after the ordeal he had just been through. He told me how grateful he was that Stepping Up was there for him. And that he finds hope in knowing he doesn’t have to struggle all alone as a young father.  
“Thanks for being there for me, man!”  

Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Frustration and deflation of a proud father!

As I sit in the waiting room with my girlfriend at the ultra sound office. Waiting for the news on the health of our new little baby.  The Proud feeling I feel, quickly, becomes a feeling of second best, one of feeling little left out.  Not a typical feeling an expectant father should feel when going to see your baby.

When the ultrasound tech calls my girlfriends name, for her turn to get scanned, I stand up with her as any proud father would, ready to see a glimpse of our little baby for the first time, excited to get a glimpse of the little precious him or her.

In an instant the proud feeling that I as a father had, turns into frustration and anger! I’ll tell you why.

In aloud an abrupt tone and with a rude facial expression I might add, the ultra sound technician say’s this; "dad you can stay seated, you come in near the end, this is just for mom".

My first thought was "WHAT" you gotta be @#$%^& joking! Talking to my self as I sit back down!

I’m not going to lie to you as I write this but I’m feeling really frustrated! Combined with a heavy heart!  The biggest pain I feel is the feeling of being left out.

Now, hear me out! This complaint does not come out of selfish gain or not recognizing the importance of mom. But it takes two to create this little being, so I figure it takes two to view the ultra sound and be part of the moment, at the same time. I think this is a valid point? And it should be heard.

I mean this is our baby is it not? We are mom and dad it took the two of us to create this thing didn’t it? Then I would think we both should go in at the same time, to enjoy the moment together?

I feel the medical system and other factors in our society has a hard time recognizing fathers and their needs at times! The need to be compassionate towards fathers throughout the pregnancy process is an imperative, I think! It seemed to have failed me big time in this situation.

I think the willingness of young fathers wanting to be involved in their child's pregnancy is more common than society thinks.  We should re-think things a little.  Dads are important and we have an important role to play in our children’s lives I wish that society could recognize this.  I feel being treated equal is not two much to ask!

Thanks for listening to my story!
