Saturday 8 June 2013

Stepping Up/Youth Unlimited Interviewed by Jill Krop Global News

A Life Changed!

Throughout this month I found myself reflecting on my life. I could not stop thinking about my lifeʼs story. I would look back on my past with amazement at how much my life has turned around for the good and for the Glory of God!
I was reminded that just ten years ago I was going through a divorce, battling the challenges of being a single parent to my son, risking losing my son through poor life choices and not to mention battling for my life with addiction in the dark world of drugs and alcohol.

At this time in my life I was hanging out with some very unsavory characters who befriended me for their own gain and prosperity, not for friendship but for dollars! I was enslaved in a world of pride and power living a life that demanded self-gratification, void of love, hope and peace! The only joy I had at that time in my life was knowing that I could possibly die tomorrow and end my awful existence! What a twisted sense of hope! I recalled how depressed I was, and how alone I felt. I was imprisoned and trapped in an awful hellish nightmare thinking at that time I could never escape it.

But to Godʼs Glory, he turned my life around so radically and gave me back all that was lost. I have since remarried to the most wonderful girl in the world, I have overcome addiction, I now have THREE wonderful sons. I have a restored friendship with my ex-wife and her husband and I no longer have ties to unsavory people in the community. I live a clean God-fearing life today with Love, Joy, Peace and the greatest gift, HOPE!

I guess the reflections I was having on my past, the “pinch me epiphany” moments was Godʼs way of reminding me that only HE, God can be the true source of transformation in our lives and the world today! Believe me when I say I tried other routes, methods, and schemes to change my life and none of these other ways helped me like the power of Jesus Christ! Though Stepping Up is able to give practical help to these young dads I realize itʼs only through Christʼs divine power we change fully! My hope for these young dads is that they would encounter the power of Christ in each of their lives and situations and be forever changed, the way my life was changed forever by HIM!