Wednesday 7 March 2012

Stepping Up News Letter for Feb 2012

Dave Morgan / Youth Unlimited                                                                      Febuary2012                                           

This Past Month

♪♪ bum ba dun dun duuunnn, ♪♪ Bun Ba dun da duuunnn! IT’S HOCKEY NIGHT IN SURREY!  We are gaining some amazing traction in the community with our floor hockey night! We have ten or so young dads coming out each Thursday night to play.  Each of these dads have also started bringing out their friends. It’s been realized by the young dads and myself that it’s way more fun to play floor hockey with more numbers then not enough, so we decided collectively that we would give an open invitation to the community, and also give an open invitation to our friends too, to come out and join us to play. Even though all who are attending are not young dads, our hockey night is working out really well.  I feel we now have more opportunity to present the gospel to a broader scope of kids in the community with this decision!  This is so amazing! How God works all things out!

The most shocking thing I have found while talking to many young men over these past weeks is this!  I have found out that each of them comes from a fatherless home.  That’s right, ALL of the young dads attending our floor hockey outreach each week are void of a father figure in their lives!  Really shocking! We have some very educated guys coming out and some that have no education.  We have young men from a local addictions house joining us and a local drug dealer as well. We have a couple of gang members and a car thief.  This group is such an eclectic group of miss fits, but I can’t help but see a parallel to those whom Christ reached out to as he walked His earthly ministry!  Continue to pray for us as we reach out to young men through floor hockey and talking to them about the love of Jesus Christ.

One night a couple weeks ago while setting up for floor hockey a young dad approached me with a concerned look on his face, out of the blue he says this “ Dave, I’ve been clean (from addictions) for 3 months now and I need to know who God is”! You have to understand this, as intentional as I am with these young fathers, extending Gods love, it is always a shock to the system when a statement like this is said so abruptly and seemingly from left field. This guy is like the untouchable, really! He is the least likley to want to know God! This young father has ties to a gang and was very troubled growing up, by looking at him you would know he has a past, not to mention his demeener is very tough and raw! Not a likely candidate for surrending to God! This situation showed me that God is in control of every night we meet for floor hockey! This was a good lesson for me to be ready for these types of statements at any moment. God  defiently is working in the lives of these dads even though its seems like nothing is happening at times! Since this conversation this young father and I have had some really amazing God talks and I’m excited to see what is going happen next in this young mans life, I’ll keep you posted.    

Our Need

We are in need of new monthly donors, would you consider being a monthly partner.  We are in need of 10 more monthly partners at $100 dollars or 20 more partners at $50 dollars a month.  I have an idea! This being Lent season, some of us give up certain things (fast) for Lent, right?  Maybe you would consider giving up buying coffee or buying a weekday lunch for Lent and the money you don’t spend on coffee and or lunch you could send to this ministry as a trial partnership with us.  And perhaps after Lent you might see if Gods leading would be to support us in a more permanent manner.  I trust the Lent challenge will be a blessing to you as together we seek God's blessing for the lives of these young fathers!  My prayer would be that as you give you would feel like a partner with us in furthering the Kingdom of God together!

Dave and Shaina’s Update

Thank you for your prayers regarding our home daycare expansion and our World Vision project. It seems both have been postponed for a while! Please pray that we gain more clarity and leading for both projects in the next weeks and months ahead.  We would ask that you pray for our family in this time too that we would be able to know Gods leading! We so much appreciate your prayers for this ministry and our family.  Prayer is what furthers us and prayer is what sustains us as we minster to these young fathers, Blessings David and Shaina.

Keeping you through the storm
His faithfulness is plenty, His leading is so right. He won’t let you falter not even in the night. No matter what darkness surrounds you, no matter what traps are laid.  He is victorious forever, until the end of the age!    

By: David Morgan

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