Monday 9 May 2011

"They don't have to struggle alone"

The struggle of the young father is a continuous and constant one. They struggle to gain validation and to be heard, but still the greatest struggle I see today, is the one to stay and be involved in their child’s life. Being a father is a great challenge at the best of times, but mix in being a young father and fighting to stay in your child’s life, and it can become overwhelming – a daunting task.
Unfortunately, the reality for many young dads in Surrey and our country as a whole is that their fight is real, and in most cases, they struggle alone. A lot of our young dads have no support or anyone to stand alongside them. These young fathers fight so courageously minute-by-minute, day-by-day, hoping to overcome a fight that they can’t win by themselves. They need our help to advocate for them. They need resources, love and support to win their struggle, or these young fathers will be in jeopardy of becoming the shadow figures in our community; people without faces or voices. Please continue and pray for this ministry to flourish and thrive, so we can be part of "Stopping the cycle of fatherless generations". 

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