Monday 12 September 2011

A Real Life Story from a Young Father!

David Morgan/Youth Unlimited August 2011
A Young Father Shares His Story
Meet Brad, one of our young dads at Stepping Up “young fathers”, as he writes about his experiences...
Being a young father is the single scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve cheated death more times than I can count and nothing else compares to being responsible for a life and future you haven’t got a clue about. As one of the few who pulled it together, I will say that it is anything but easy and if you come from a dysfunctional family like I did, who didn’t lay out any proper ground work, you’ve certainly got your work cut out for you! Keeping up on the necessities of life was the most immediate concern of mine as I tried to provide for my young child.
I watched my girlfriend who was part of a young mothers group, called Stepping Stones; this group was helping her provide the basic necessities for my young child, like diapers, wipes and formula. Stepping Stones also provided many other options like a Life Skills Program and others resources. I remembered thinking to myself, “WOW! Someone really wants these young mothers to succeed.”
What I did not remember was seeing any of the same things set-up in our community for young fathers. Not that I was looking or anything. Being a young teen father you have a hard time asking for help and combined with not knowing how to do things, meant failure. I hid the fact that as a seventeen-year-old father I didn’t have a clue about the life I had to live; much less the life my child needed! I needed a positive mentor to teach me how to be a dad. I felt that mentorship of any kind would have been an acute source of help for me at this time.
Mentorship would have been a solid foundation to build my life and the future of my young family on. The trouble was there weren’t any resources available to me of that nature at that time in my life, until Stepping Up “young fathers” was introduced to me last year. I’m now twenty-seven years old. I got through most of my life on sheer determination and no real mentor to teach me how to live life, be a good dad or give back to society.
You see, there were many young fathers all around me on the start line when I was seventeen, but now I don’t see many fathers on the finish line. The determination I had to have to change my life was unique; not many have that gift of such a strong will. This strong will was good for me at that time in my life but it’s definitely not for everyone. The strong will I had was much needed if you lived a life like mine but it was not very beneficial. If I had found support at a younger age, I feel things would have been a lot different and my life could have been much better for me now!
Without support for young fathers and keeping this support, young fathers will struggle all alone! The reason I believe the finish line for young fathers is so small is for one simple fact: lack of mentorship in our communities and little-to-no support! That’s why Stepping Up works; it provides support and mentorship.
Another big difference between Stepping Up and a government official behind a desk is that Stepping Up truly cares about us. Young fathers today need someone or something more helpful and more personal than just being a number in a government line up. Having someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of, or even having a role model is monumental for all young fathers everywhere, and will benefit their young families.
In closing, I walked the long road without much help and it was very difficult at times, but I would love to know in my lifetime that others don’t have to toil so hard for help and walk
miles to seek the answers to the questions in their life.
Brad & his kids
Over.Basically it all comes down to supply and demand; there is no shortage of young fathers out there, so let’s make sure they get the help they need. Stepping Up “young fathers” is a place that provides this help to young dads; young dads need to use it!
Something to Encourage You!
Whenever I’m disappointed with my lot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in his school play. His mother told me that he’d set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. “Guess what, Mum! “, he shouted, and then said those words that remain a lesson to me: “I’ve been chosen to clap and cheer!” By Marie Curling

Like little Jamie Scott when we feel we have not achieved what we have aimed our sights on it’s so easy to get discouraged and cynical. We must understand it’s about perspective and nothing more. So be encouraged if you wanted a part in the play but did not get picked be excited to clap and cheer!
Many Hands
We are asking for another $550.00 a month to come in so we can securely be on at YFC working four days a week. To break it down we would need 5 people giving $110.00 a month or 11 people giving $50.00 a month. But if each of you reading this newsletter would give us as little as $35.00 a month, Shaina and I would not only be on four days a week; we would be on full time at YFC! If you can’t give $35.00 dollars a month, would you consider giving $25.00 a month, or even $20.00 a month! Whatever you can give helps greatly and gets us closer to being on full-time. Please continue to pray for this ministry and us. Please consider being a monthly financial partner as well! Stepping Up “young fathers” is committed to changing lives. So be a part of change; partner with us as together we reach out to young fathers! Thank you to all of you giving so generously to this ministry! Shaina and I feel so encouraged by your support! We are getting closer to our goal every month! Thank you.
Dave and Shaina’s Update
The month of August has gone by so quickly. That’s what happens when you’re having fun....or just keeping really busy. Our family is feeling the pressures of hectic lives. We are not only putting our heart and soul into this ministry, but we are trying to get our little daycare up and running and being parents. Liam has reached 18 months old. He is saying all kinds of words and picking up more and more each day. The cutest is when we sing “Old Macdonald had a Farm” and he yells out “E.I.E.I.O” and then continues to say it all day long. We love watching the continuous transitions that he goes through; it’s so miraculous.
Joah will be starting Grade 4 in September. He has gone from primary to intermediate grades, and is feeling a little nervous about it. It’s amazing to see the changes in him as well. He is no longer just a little boy but a young man who can carry on a great conversation. He is becoming quite a theologian and evangelist as well, as he is sharing the truth of Christianity to his Jehovah Witness friends. He is so eager to learn the Bible so he can help his friends understand it as well. Praise God!
We’ve had the privilege of taking another mini holiday up to the lake. This time it didn’t rain, we had beautiful weather the whole weekend and an amazing time with family. Shaina and I are continuously saying to each other, that in all circumstances and trials that we face, we are immensely blessed by God’s provision of family and friends. What we do cannot be done without them, and without all of you. So thank you.

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